Fields Usage

The Youth & Recreation Services Director is the town appointed chair person of the Fields Committee.  
The Fields Committee meets monthly to address issues pertaining to town owned athletic fields. 
The committee which is made up of representatives of all youth sports groups works on permitting, maintenance and long range planning. Any group or individual who would like to use a town field must apply for a permit using the link below.

Online Application for Town Field Usage 

Questions can be directed to the Fields Committee Chairman, Rick Gorman

There are two important votes regarding the North Andover Middle School Fields & Recreation Complex at Town Meeting on Tuesday, May 14th 2024 at 6:30pm. Please read the below documents for more information!

RecPlex Flyer 

RecPlex Questions & Answers


Carl Thomas

The mission of the North Andover Fields Committee is as follows: 

  1. To provide for fair and equitable use of town playing fields by all town residents, youth and adult.  This includes management (scheduling, planning for maintenance, coordination with DPW, etc.) of existing facilities, coordination with the school department regarding use of their facilities, and facilitation of arrangements for use of private facilities for town recreational programs. 
  2. To establish, maintain and coordinate the permit process for organizations and individuals that wish to utilize town fields.  If approved, to then issue permits for use of fields through the Youth Services Director’s office.   Residents, and organizations that consist exclusively of town residents, shall always have the highest priority in gaining access to town fields. 
  3. To assess future capacity requirements and plan accordingly.  This includes preparation of plans for expansion or reconfiguration as required, and taking an active role in soliciting development through the Board of Selectman, CPA grants, and private developers.

The Fields committee is presently working on the following projects:
Sponsorship: (ongoing) Our youth leagues are actively responsible in maintaining and making improvements to town fields with our Sponsorship Program
Middle School Complex 


North Andover Fields



Foster Farm

Dale Street


Middle School Baseball

Middle School Softball



Carl Thomas
