How do I get rid of latex paint?

Latex paint is not considered hazardous, but needs to be dry/hardened when put out with the trash. The best thing to do is either leave the lid off the can until the paint dries, or help the drying process along with kitty litter, or a waste paint hardener which can be purchased where paint is sold. When the paint is dry, and you put it out with the trash, leave the lids off so that the trash collectors know it is dry. They won't take it wet because it can make a real mess in a compactor truck, and subsequently on our streets!

Latex paint is not taken during Household Hazardous Waste day. However, wet latex paint and/or oil based paint may be taken to the TBI Facility on 210 Holt RD, North Andover for a fee of $5 per can. For Questions call TBI Facility 978-686-2020 or the DPW.