Town Meeting Straw Poll

May 14, 2024 Annual Town Meeting

Your identity will only be used for voter validation. Only straw poll results from North Andover Voters will be counted. All results are anonymous and those anonymized result totals will be shared after Town Meeting.

Please contact the Town Clerk's Office with any Voter Registration questions.

North Andover continues to be a laboratory for what Town Meeting may be like in the future.  Once again we are testing whether deliberative results from Town Meeting represent the opinion of the citizenry at large.  For the third time we will be conducting a straw poll inviting citizens to state their opinion on each article whether they attend Town Meeting or not. The straw poll, launched electronically via the town web site, will be live through Town Meeting until its adjournment.  Comparative results will be published post the adjournment of the meeting.  The votes in this straw poll will not count but merely be an expression of opinion of the people who chose to make that opinion known. Completing this is not a substitution to attending Town Meeting as all deliberative benefits and power is in the room.  You are invited to do both – express your opinion here AND come to Annual Town Meeting on May 14th at 6:30pm on the North Andover High School.

Read the full Warrant Here.

Take the Straw Poll Here.